Monday, February 20, 2012

The Written Word

would like to share with you what I have learned these past months. When I first started on this journey, I never imagined the lessons would be so plentiful like fruit on a tree ready for the picking.
            One lesson I learned was writing letters and notes to my children. At the time, I did not realize it was part of a lesson. I felt compelled to express my love to my children by writing them notes. I didn’t say anything profound. Just that I loved them and I will be praying for them. I wrote them my thoughts about specific character traits that I was proud of or areas in their life I know that they are working on to improve. I wanted my children to know that I noticed them. I want them to know that their life and how they are responding to their life is important to me. I did not wait until there were problems. I have done this for years but I did not see the results of that decision until just recently, when my daughter Emily found a stack of letters and notes I had given her a while ago. She was reading them over and it made her cry. She shared them with me and asked me to read them to her. We both cried together. We got her a special box to keep those special treasures in. I learned that writing notes to my children will become a precious treasure to them in the years to come. Over these past months I had given my children lots of notes. I had put notes secretly in their lunches or in their backpacks for school.  Since our children have two homes, I will be sending them letters in the mail that they will get when it is their week with their dad.
            Our heavenly Father has done the same thing when he provided us with His written Word. First, God used the words of the Bible to guide us and tell us of his love for us. Then, when the Word became flesh in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, God was able to express his ultimate love for us by giving his Son to pay the penalty due for our sins. We have our King James Bible to remind us of God’s love, mercy and forgiveness because if you are anything like me, we will forget. We need to read our Bibles, God’s love letter to us, every day so as to keep His thoughts of us fresh in our minds.

Here are some ideas you could do for you children:
Now a days you could send your kids an email that they will receive the next time they check it.

Leave notes in the refrigerator when they go to look for a snack or a drink.

Put notes in their shoes.

In their books or bible, who know when they will stumble across it!

Do you have any ideas to add? Leave them in the comment area.

1 comment:

  1. I love you Terri-Ann and the way you are blessing your children's hearts. I wrote my kids a poem once on valentine's day when they were around 12 and 14 years old. It is precious to me to see it still posted on their bedroom walls, knowing they can read it and feel my pride and adoration for them!
