I would like this to be a place where I am able to share what God has been doing in my family and in my life personally.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Somebody's Watching Me ~ Day 27
Friday, July 30, 2010
Smith's coupon Special
Enough is Not Enough ~ Day 26
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Delightful People ~ Day 25
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Passing Down ~ Day 24
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Strength ~ Day 23
Monday, July 26, 2010
Associations~ Day 22
Today's reading I Samuel 28:20- II Samuel 12:10
Sunday, July 25, 2010
High Expectations~ Day 21
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Nothing~~Day 20
Friday, July 23, 2010
Alfredo's first egg!
My Hannah has been telling everyone she sees about our new egg, whether we know them or not! The chickens are her job and she was the one that found the new egg. Now the bible says that the first fruits belong to the Lord. So our preacher will be getting the first dozen of our new eggs from our five new chickens.
Thank you Lord for blessing our home!
You May Never Know~Day 19
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Such Victories, Such Sorrows~Day 18
"...didn't I deliver you?" Judges 10:11 KJB
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The Great Misunderstanding~~Day 17
Today's reading Joshua 15:1-Judges 3:27
"...that we might do the serve of the Lord." Joshua 22:27 KJB
The two and a half tribes of Israel that were going back to possess their land while the rest of the tribes stayed in the promise land, stopped to build an altar at the border of their properties. They had good intentions but the 9 and a half tribes of Israel misunderstood their actions and thought they were rebelling. The tribes did not ask the exciting tribes what they were doing. They just accused them.
Doesn't this happen so much still today? Even amongst God's people? Where some one's actions are immediately assumed to be done in rebellion instead of thinking that the person might be doing good.
Let me learn from this passage and not jump to any conclusions about another person's actions until I first bring it to the Lord in prayer for awhile and then to the person directly, if that is even necessary. I should try to always give people the benefit of the doubt. To think good of people instead of bad.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
School Supplies FREE!!
A Memorial ~~Day 16
Today's reading Joshua 1:1- Joshua 14:15
Long Life Living~~Day 15
Today's reading Deut. 23:12- Deut. 34:12
God wants us to love him. He has prepared our hearts to love him but he will not force us to. I mean, who would want that kind of love anyway?
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Hidden Blessings~ Day 14
"...that ye may live and multiply...for it is he (God) that giveth thee power to get wealth" Deut. 8:1,18 KJB
The Israelites are going into a foreign land. Buildings and homes were already built. Schools and
Churches already built. Roads already laid out throughout the land. So God had to establish laws to keep his children clean so he could continue to bless them. Also, so they could prosper. Not just monetarily but with good health and child bearing.
Let us look at the laws not a weight that we are freed from because of Christ's perfect sacrifice on the cross but as guidelines for healthier living. For example, if we refrained from eating certain animals that are noted in the bible as not clean. How much healthier would our bodies be?
Maybe God has hidden blessings just waiting for us from the Old Testament that would help us to be more be more prosperous in our daily living.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
In All Things~~Day 13
Today's reading Numbers 32:20- Deut. 7:26 KJB
Friday, July 16, 2010
I Could Not Have Done Better if I Tried!!
Pray for your Enemies~~ Day 12
Thursday, July 15, 2010
A Heavy Load ~ Day 11
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
This Or That?
I was able to purchase the pizza's for 50 cents each! I paid $3.00 for everything on the table! Thank you Lord for helping me be a good steward with your money!!
In the Service of the King ~ Day 10
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Separation ~ Day 9
Today's reading Leviticus 14:33- Leviticus 26:26
Monday, July 12, 2010
A place for everything...~ Day 8
Today's reading Leviticus 1:1- Leviticus 14:32
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Put Your Heart Into It ~Day 7
Today's reading Exodus 29:1-Exodus 40:38
And they came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whom his spirit made willing, Exdous35:21 KJB
The Israelites' heart was stirred up to work for the Lord. They brought the supplies needed to make the tabernacle.
I want to be of a willing heart to do for God what he would have me do.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Holy, Holy, Holy~~Day 6
Today's reading Exodus 15:19-Exodus 28:43
Friday, July 9, 2010
Couponing Perserverance
I was not able to go out like I normally do. I went by Savemart and it was closed. How did that happen? Then I went to Raley's to pick up cherry's for $1.47 lb. and they were out. I went to Kmart for any last minute deals, none. So when I went to Walmart I really wasn't sure what to expect but God blessed me big time. I bought both of these for 96 cents. I used two coupons from the newspaper. Praise the Lord!!
When the Going Gets Tough~Day 5
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Something Great~~ Day 4
What if I grasped that in my life that God had something great for me to do? Then I should be preparing my heart for forgiveness for past wrongs done to me by letting go of anger and bitterness. I want to be ready for whatever God has planned for me.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Let's Make a Deal! Day 3
Today's reading Genesis 28:20-Genesis 40:11
This day's reading showed a lot of deals. There were deals between Jacob and Laban. Jacob and an angel. Shechem and the twelve sons of Jacob. Then a deal with the twelve sons of Jacob and the Midianites merchantmen. The merchantmen and Potiphar. Judah and his daughter-in-law Tamar. Then Potiphar' wife and Joseph. Finally Joseph and the butler.
Also in the reading along with the deals were deception. I need to be aware with whom I deal with. I need to search for wisdom from God in prayer and in my bible before I join in a deal with someone.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Blessed ~~Day 2
Today's reading Genesis 17:1-Genesis 28:19
If one word could describe the today's reading it would be blessed. Blessed for obedience. Blessed for children. Blessed with a birthright.
God wants to bless us. Do I want his blessings more than what the world has to offer? My flesh said sleep in this morning but the Lord had a blessing waiting for me here. This time I chose the blessing. Thank you Lord!
Monday, July 5, 2010
90 Day King James Bible Read Thru Day 1
Today's reading Genesis 1:1- Genesis 16:16
Day One
I had planned on getting up at 6am but ended up getting up at 6:30. Not so bad. When I got up everyone else was up. Of course, on a normal school or work day NO ONE wants to get up on time much less at 6:30 or earlier! I knew than that the battle was not with reading the bible but it was everything else going on around me.
I did get a few things out of my reading which was a blessing. The first was that husbands are to rule over their wives. (Genesis 3:16 KJB)I do not want to get into the whole women's rights issue but what I got was that it is my husband who is to "rule" over me not my pastor or another woman. Not another families ideas or standards. My husband knows what is best for us. It is God's plan.
The second was found in Genesis 14:19,20 where the term "most high God" is used. Is God the most high in my life? Or is it the T.V. or the computer? Is food the most high in my life? I need to have God be the most high in my life. Then everything else will fall into place. Everything has its proper order. God needs to be first.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Kmarts Double Coupon Day One
I do not normally shop on Sunday much less a holiday but I went down to Kmart for their first day of their deal of doubling coupons up to and including $2. It is only in the health and beautiful department. I went with a list and my coupon book and I don't think I did half bad. You are only allowed to use 5 coupons per day. So in the picture is what I purchased for a total of $3.40. The subtotal came to $18.40. I ended up saving $15.00!! Not bad. Not bad at all. Thank you Lord for great deals!
That little black case for female things I puchased for free seperately because it was only 99 cents and I had a coupon for $1 off, so it did not need to be doubled to be free!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
I Have the Freedom to Shop for FREE!
I had a really good time shopping this weekend. I think I am getting the hang of it finally. I still make mistakes but over all I do very well. I got all those things for free today. That really made me happy. In the next picture I got those things for 50 cents each. I enjoyed this shopping day by myself but that isn't always the case. My kids are getting the hang of couponing though. If they see coupons in those dispensers they grab me a couple.
I thank God that he has blessed us with this money saving way to bless our home. I do not take this for granted.
In this last picture was a few more things I got for free today!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Reading the Bible Through
I am going to start a 90-day Bible read through on Monday July 5th.
I got the idea from this site.
She is doing the program and will offer support via her blog.
I have read my bible through in a year and also as little as 27 days. I think 90 days will be good. I am going to blog my way as I read through the bible. Allowing you to see what I have read and also how it effecting my life as a stay-at-home-mom and homeschooling mother of 4.
I will also be using the King James Bible and really if you are going to read the bible it might as well be the Authorized Version.
Well, wish my blessing and I will see you back on July 5th. Have a Happy 4th of July weekend!