Saturday, October 10, 2015

A Chronological Bible Reading 16 Entering the Ark

 Genesis 6:22-7:9

Some observations:
  • When God saw Noah, he saw righteousness.
  • Lamech was Noah's father.
    • He died 5 years before Noah entered the ark
  • Noah was when born when Adam was still alive.
  • Noah lived about 126 years before Adam died. 
I just have to stop and think about what Noah could have learned from Adam. It did not seem like anyone was paying any attention to the things of God, except Noah.

I think this is so fascinating!

A Chronological Bible Reading -17 The Flood

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 Reese, Edward. The Reese Chronological Bible. Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers, 1980. Print

Friday, October 9, 2015

A Chronological Bible Reading 15 Noah

Noah found grace
Genesis 6:8

Thank you God for your grace on our lives. Help us to always look to you for guidance and wisdom.

Genesis 6:9-21 Instructions for building the ark

Birth of Noah's sons

Genesis 5:32; 6:9-10; I Chronicles 1:4, Shem, Ham, and Japheth

Death of Lamech (Noah's father)
Genesis 5:30-31 777 years old

Death of Methuselah (Noah's grandfather)
Genesis 5:26-27 969 years old

A Chronological Bible Reading 16 Entering the Ark

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Reese, Edward. The Reese Chronological Bible. Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers, 1980. Print.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

A Chronological Bible Reading 14 Birth of Noah

Genesis 5:28-29

Death of Enos
Genesis 5:10-11, 905 years old

Death of Cainan
Genesis 5:13-14, 910 years old

Death of Mahalaleel
Genesis 5:16-17, 895 years old

Death of Jared
Genesis 5:19-20, 962 years old

Noah's Life and Related events

Corrupt civilization as sons of God marry daughters of men
Genesis 6:1-12

What a sad state of affairs. To be so bad that God wants to start over. Praise God for his mercy!

A Chronological Bible Reading 15 Noah

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Reese, Edward. The Reese Chronological Bible. Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers, 1980. Print.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

A Chronological Bible Reading 13 RECAP

This has been an incredible experience for me reading the bible in chronological order. It has really slowed me down and I have paid more attention to things.

God created Adam. Adam died (sin).

Adam had Abel and Abel died by the hand of his brother Cain,
Seth had Enoch and Enoch is translated to heaven.

All these fathers may of had dreams and expectations for their sons to do great and mighty things. It did not happen that way.

However, Jesus God's only begotten Son will take care of all this pain, loss, and shattered dreams when we read how He will come to save us from our sins. ( I find great comfort in knowing it has already happened!)

A Chronological Bible Reading 14 Birth of Noah

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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

A Chronological Bible Reading 12 Adam's Descendants Pt. 4

Genesis 5:22, Enoch's Walk with God

Genesis 5:24, Translation of Enoch, he was 365 years old

Genesis 5:5: 7-8, Death of Seth at 912 years old

Seth saw the departing of his good son. Maybe not literally but Seth did not out live his son on this earth. That must have been difficult. Did Seth know that God had translated Enoch because he had greater plans for him?

A Chronological Bible Reading 13 RECAP

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Reese, Edward. The Reese Chronological Bible. Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers, 1980. Print.

Monday, October 5, 2015

A Chronological Bible Reading 11 Adam's Decsendants Pt. 3

I Chronicles 1:3; Genesis 1:3, Birth of Methuselah

Genesis 5:25, Birth of Lamech

Death of Adam
Genesis 5:4, 930 years old
How many of those years did he spend in the garden? The stories he must have passed on to his children and his children's children about the Garden of Eden. The quiet evening times with God. The first day that he saw Eve. Sharing some of the more interesting names of the animals.

Oh, how we need to appreciate and value our older generation. They hold the secret nuggets of wisdom only shared with a willing listener.

A Chronological Bible Reading 12 Adam's Descendants Pt. 4

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Reese, Edward. The Reese Chronological Bible. Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers, 1980. Print.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

A Chronological Bible Reading 10 Descendants Part 2

Genealogy of Wickedness

Line of Cain

Genesis 4:16-24, Of the two lineages (Righteous and Wickedness), each one had a son named Enoch

Cain marries and has children. For the sake of argument, I will say this is mercy on Cain to find a woman to love him and take care of him. His wife was able to bare him children which is considered a blessing in the Bible.

A Chronological Bible Reading 11 Adam's Descendants Pt. 3

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Reese, Edward. The Reese Chronological Bible. Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers, 1980. Print.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

A Chronological Bible Reading 9 Descendants Part 1

Genealogy of Righteousness
I Chronicles 1:1; Genesis 4:25; 5:3, Birth of Seth

Genesis 4:26; 5:6, Once Enos was born people turned toward God.

Genesis 5:9, Birth of Cainan

I Chronicles 1:2; Genesis 5:12, Birth of Mahalaleel

Genesis 5:15, Birth of Jared

Genesis 5:18 Birth of Enoch

Why weren't people looking toward God? What was particular about Enos that people started to turn toward God after he was born?

Were Adam and Eve still fussing about being kicked out of the Garden? Did they pass that discontentment down to their children?

The Bible doesn't say. We may never know until we get to heaven.

A Chronological Bible Reading 10 Descendants Part 2

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Reese, Edward. The Reese Chronological Bible. Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers, 1980. Print.

Friday, October 2, 2015

A Chronological Bible Reading 8 History of First Civilization

Cain and Abel

Genesis 4:1, Birth of Cain
Genesis 4:2, Birth of Abel
Genesis 4:3-10, Cain kills Abel

Abel was doing what God wanted him to do and it turned out bad. Sometimes doing good is not rewarded with good. God gave Cain good counsel but Cain was going to do what he was going to do. (Was Cain a teenage at this time?)

Genesis 4:11-15, Cain is marked

Again, we see how we can plan what we will do but we can not plan the consequences. We need to be careful of our choices.

A Chronological Bible Reading 9 Descendants Part 1

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Reese, Edward. The Reese Chronological Bible. Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers, 1980. Print.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

A Chronological Bible Reading 7 Expulsion

Genesis 3:21-24

God already knew it was going to happen. He supplied them better cloths for their new life outside of Eden. This was probably a disappointment but not a surprise. God already had a plan in place.

I found that comforting to know that my failures are not a surprise to God. He already has a plan for me. My mistakes are God's opportunities to show me who really is in charge of my life. It is God and not me.

A Chronological Bible Reading 8 History of First Civilization

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Reese, Edward. The Reese Chronological Bible. Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers, 1980. Print.